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Where can I find exotic foods from Latinamerica, Middle-East, India or Africa?

The moscow timesFood
Dennis Leyton
  ·   · 138

There is also a Chinese-Vietnamese market in Lyublino famous for its authentic produce and extremely popular among Moscow Asian food caterers. It's on Tikhoretsky boulvard, 1, behind huge "Moskva" market

Генеральный директор ИД «Коммерсант» с 2006 по...  · 26 окт 2016

May be this article can help you: themoscowtimes.com Also you can visit Danilovskiy market for some Asia and Middle-East things.

There is also a Chinese-Vietnamese market in Lyublino famous for its

authentic produce and extremely popular among Moscow Asian food

caterers. It's on Tikhoretsky boulvard, 1, behind huge "Moskva" market