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There's a helicopter that crashed in Russia a few days ago killing 19 people and no mention of it in The Moscow Times. Why?

John Dew
  ·   · 1,4 K

The crash happened on Friday night. The Moscow Times newsroom doesn't operate on week-ends (as of yet), and it was too late to run a news story on it on Monday

историк, религиовед, автор канала "Это пройдет" ht...  · 24 окт 2016  · independent.academia.edu/EvgueniiKuzmishin

The paper's policy, most surely. The incident is being thoroughly covered elsewhere, mentioned in almost every source possible. Maybe, the MT is mainly about analysis and entertainment, that's why.

"Это пройдет" - исторический каналПерейти на t.me/ietoproydet
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