Да. Во-первых, существуют разные типы сочинений (Task 2), ну, и, во-вторых, каждый из этих типов имеет свою структуру. Постараюсь изложить максимально детально))
Например: 'Some people think that computers are bad. Do you agree or disagree?'
Fully agree= 5 paragraphs
paragraph 1: introduction
paragraph 2: say why you agree that computers are bad (IDEA 1)
paragraph 3: say why you agree that computers are bad (IDEA 2)
paragraph 4: say why you disagree that computers are bad (ВНИМАНИЕ: этот абзац важен, потому что сочинение не должно содержать одностороннюю точку зрения)
paragraph 5: conclusion
Fully disagree= 5 paragraphs
paragraph 1: introduction
paragraph 2: say why you disagree that computers are bad (IDEA 1)
paragraph 3: say why you disagree that computers are bad (IDEA 2)
paragraph 4: say why you agree that computers are bad (ВНИМАНИЕ: этот абзац важен, потому что сочинение не должно содержать одностороннюю точку зрения)
paragraph 5: conclusion
Partly agree= 4 paragraphs
paragraph 1: introduction
paragraph 2: say why you agree that computers are bad
paragraph 3: say why you disagree that computers are bad
paragraph 4: conclusion
Например: 'Some people think that computers are bad. However, others say that computers are good. Discuss and give your own opinion.'
ВСЕГДА 4 paragraphs
paragraph 1: introduction
paragraph 2: say why computers are bad
paragraph 3: say why computers are good
paragraph 4: conclusion
Например: 'All large cities are polluted nowadays. What is the reason for that? What measures should be taken?'
ВСЕГДА 4 paragraphs
paragraph 1: introduction
paragraph 2: describe the reasons
paragraph 3: suggest the solutions
paragraph 4: conclusion
Например: 'All large cities are polluted nowadays. Do you agree or disagree? What measures can be taken to solve this problem?'
ВСЕГДА 4 paragraphs
paragraph 1: introduction
paragraph 2: answer question 1 (say whether you agree or disagree (it's better to present two opinions))
paragraph 3: answer question 2 (suggest the solutions)
paragraph 4: conclusion
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