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Dan Zapototski

A Harvard HBX graduate and a crypto enthusiast.
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A Harvard HBX graduate and a crypto enthusiast.

Would building blockchain with python and putting it on HTTP be functional or would it be limiting? Any advice for creating one?

If you are seeking advice on how to build a blockchain with Python, this is the definitive guide to achieving your goal... Читать далее
A Harvard HBX graduate and a crypto enthusiast.

Could gold reward coins on an app game (e.g. FarmVille) be considered a form of cryptocurrency?

No, gold reward coins on an app game could not be considered a form of cryptocurrency. From my point of view, there are... Читать далее
A Harvard HBX graduate and a crypto enthusiast.

If blockchain is not supported by bonds, gold or securities from any government, who gives it value?

I assume what you mean is cryptocurrencies built on top of the blockchain technology. The answer to your question is... Читать далее
A Harvard HBX graduate and a crypto enthusiast.

Why is Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram messenger, launching his own blockchain and cryptocurrency, and what will this mean for Telegram in the future?

Please note that even despite the fact that a lot of details have seemingly "leaked," the Durov brothers have not... Читать далее
A Harvard HBX graduate and a crypto enthusiast.

How can you trust a system where about half of early-mined bitcoins have never been used, and therefore maintain a risk of hyperinflation?

The answer is you cannot. As a legendary investor and Vanguard Group Inc. founder Jack Bogle said, "There is nothing to... Читать далее
A Harvard HBX graduate and a crypto enthusiast.

There are too many cryptocoins at the moment. Which ones are destined to go extinct in your opinion? How do you reckon the coin market's future?

The cryptocurrency market is still in its infancy, and the price of a specific coin is usually driven by emotions. Unfortun... Читать далее