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Caroline Flanagan
Author of Baby Proof Your Career: The Secret To Balancing Work And Family So You Can Enjoy It All. babyproofyourlife.com @Babyproof_Coach
Активность на Кью
Caroline Flanagan
8 лет
Author of Baby Proof Your Career: The Secret To Balancing Work And Family So You Can Enjoy It All. babyproofyourlife.com @Babyproof_Coach
Who really wins when women work: their children, the women themselves or the tax and benefits system?
Marina Gask-Ajani
1 ответ
I strongly believe the benefit is for women, as long as they have the tools and strategies to meet the challenges of being...
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Caroline Flanagan
8 лет
Author of Baby Proof Your Career: The Secret To Balancing Work And Family So You Can Enjoy It All. babyproofyourlife.com @Babyproof_Coach
Which country has the best system for working mums – and why can’t Britain emulate it?
Marina Gask-Ajani
1 ответ
Taking into account criteria such as childcare, flexible working and gender equality, Sweden is the hands down winner.A...
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Caroline Flanagan
8 лет
Author of Baby Proof Your Career: The Secret To Balancing Work And Family So You Can Enjoy It All. babyproofyourlife.com @Babyproof_Coach
Which country has the best system for working mums – and why can't Britain emulate it?
Marina Gask-Ajani
1 ответ
Taking into account criteria such as childcare, flexible working and gender equality, Sweden is the hands down winner. In...
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Caroline Flanagan
8 лет
Author of Baby Proof Your Career: The Secret To Balancing Work And Family So You Can Enjoy It All. babyproofyourlife.com @Babyproof_Coach
When is the best time to have children, in career terms?
Marina Gask-Ajani
1 ответ
The consensus and trend is to wait until you are well established in your career before starting a family and it's a trend...
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