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Luke Dormehl
Author of The Apple Revolution: Steve Jobs, The Counterculture and How the Crazy Ones Took Over the World (Virgin Books). @lukedormehl
Активность на Кью
Luke Dormehl
8 лет
Author of The Apple Revolution: Steve Jobs, The Counterculture and How the Crazy Ones Took Over the World (Virgin Books). @lukedormehl
How much more is there to do with a smartphone after the iPhone 7?
James Medd
1 ответ
If this was the late 90s, we would be talking about how much smaller a phone can get – it’s even spoofed in the movie...
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Luke Dormehl
8 лет
Author of The Apple Revolution: Steve Jobs, The Counterculture and How the Crazy Ones Took Over the World (Virgin Books). @lukedormehl
Чего ждать от Apple в будущем?
The Question
3 ответа
Очевидные вещи: продолжит запускать продажи iPhone 7 в разных странах мира, в какой-то момент выпустит новый MacBook, и...
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Luke Dormehl
8 лет
Author of The Apple Revolution: Steve Jobs, The Counterculture and How the Crazy Ones Took Over the World (Virgin Books). @lukedormehl
What will Apple do next?
TheQSTN.com Team
1 ответ
There are the obvious things – continuing to roll out the iPhone 7 worldwide, a new MacBook at some point and apparently...
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Luke Dormehl
8 лет
Author of The Apple Revolution: Steve Jobs, The Counterculture and How the Crazy Ones Took Over the World (Virgin Books). @lukedormehl
Will we all be wearing Apple AirPods, or are they just a gimmick?
TheQSTN.com Team
1 ответ
Alluding to this as a mis-step is to ignore the positive feedback it’s also received. The wireless W1 chip with the...
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Luke Dormehl
8 лет
Author of The Apple Revolution: Steve Jobs, The Counterculture and How the Crazy Ones Took Over the World (Virgin Books). @lukedormehl
Why is the Apple Watch failing?
Edie Mullen
1 ответ
First, I’d have to dispute the premise of the question. If you’re directly comparing it to the demand for the iPhone, then...
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Luke Dormehl
8 лет
Author of The Apple Revolution: Steve Jobs, The Counterculture and How the Crazy Ones Took Over the World (Virgin Books). @lukedormehl
After the death of the headphone jack, is it time to switch from Apple products?
TheQSTN.com Team
1 ответ
Ignoring the hipster impulse to move now that Apple is the big dog rather than the underdog, it’s true that, in some ways...
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