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Denis Bekbulatov
  ·   · 4,1 K
верю в смерть после жизни,в любовь после секса и...  · 22 окт 2016

There’s a goblin at my window,

A monster by my door.

The pumpkin at my table

Keeps on smiling more and more.

There’s a ghost who haunts my bedroom,

A witch whose face is green.

They used to be my family,

Till they dressed for Halloween.

HR-консультант, магистр ИТ (внедрение ERP-систем)...  · 22 окт 2016
Сoventy Patmore The kiss ‘I SAW you take his kiss!’ ‘’Tis true.’ ‘O modesty!’ ‘’Twas strictly kept: He thought me asleep—at least, I knew He thought I thought he thought I slept. Ogden Nash The Dog The truth I do not stretch or... Читать далее
научный сотрудник Государственного литературного...  · 22 окт 2016
В первую очередь на память приходят лимерики. Их много, приведу один  пример: There was an old man with a beard Who said, "it’s just how I feared! Two owls and a hen Four larks and a wren Have all built their nests in my bear... Читать далее
Техн. переводчик с/на английский (и с немецкого)...  · 9 окт 2017

“Oh, innocent victims of Cupid,

Remember this terse little verse:

To let a fool kiss you is stupid,

To let a kiss fool you is worse”. (E.T. Harburg. Inscriptions on a Lipstick.)

Графический дизайн  · 23 окт 2016
Nature and nature's laws lay hid in night; God said "Let Newton be" and all was light. It could not last; the Devil shouting "Ho! Let Einstein be!" restored the status quo. – Был этот мир глубокой тьмой окутан. Да будет свет! И... Читать далее

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