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What kind of visual art is best for a cancer center?

Fadi Zumot
  ·   · 204
We love art that encompasses historical knowledge...  · 30 окт 2017

It depends on the budget, but may I suggest the most cost effective option - known Masterpieces by old masters high quality reproductions.

Looking at an artistic masterpiece such as a Constable, Botticelli or Turner can give you the same pleasure as being in love, research has found.

The same part of the brain that is excited when you fall for someone romantically is stimulated when you stare at great works of beauty, researchers have discovered.

Viewing art triggers a surge of the feel-good chemical, dopamine, into the orbito-frontal cortex of the brain, resulting in feelings of intense pleasure.

Dopamine and the orbito-frontal cortex are both known to be involved in desire and affection and in invoking pleasurable feelings in the brain.

It is a powerful affect often associated with romantic love and illicit drug taking.

In a series of pioneering brain-mapping experiments, Professor Semir Zeki, a neurobiologist at the University College London, scanned the brains of volunteers as they looked at 28 pictures.

They included The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli, Bathing at La Grenouillere by Claude Monet and Constable's Salisbury Cathedral.

Prof Zeki found that blood flow increased in areas of the brain usually associated with romantic love.

"There have been very significant new advances in our understanding of what happens in our brains when we look at works of art," he said.

"We have recently found that when we look at things we consider to be beautiful, there is increased activity in the pleasure reward centres of the brain.

"There is a great deal of dopamine in this area, also known as the ‘feel-good’ transmitter.

"Essentially, the feel-good centres are stimulated, similar to the states of love and desire."

"The reaction was immediate."
The study is currently being peer reviewed and will be published later this year.

The research suggests that art could be used to increase the welfare and mental health of the general public and should be protected from budget cutbacks.

Previous research has shown that art can reduce suffering in hospital and lead to speedier recoveries from ill health.

Source: Telegraph UK