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What is an ICO?

Бизнес и менеджментБизнес+7
Olga Zeveleva
  ·   · 437
DeCenter expert  · 3 дек 2017

"ICO" refers to "Initial Coin Offering", or the initial offering of coins (tokens). This is a form of crowdfunding that uses cryptocurrency.

During an ICO, a project team sells digital tokens to investors in exchange for cryptocurrency. Like in the case of other crowdfunding models, during an ICO participants fund the development of a company in order to then profit from that company in the future. Investors can also profit from reselling tokens for a higher price than the price at which they bough them.

Cryptoassetsrank.com – Dig deeper, invest better.  · 27 авг 2018
Initial Coin Offering (ICO) is a form of fundraising, during which blockchain startups sell a certain amount of cryptocurrency to the investors before it is listed at the cryptocurrency exchanges. Before the project is... Читать далее