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Выбрать функцию инфинитива англ язык

Выбрать функцию инфинитива (обстоятельство, подлежащее, часть составного именного сказуемого, определение) 1.The most important parameter to be examined is the rock porosity of the formation. 2.To raise the field production is to increase the volume of oil to be transported.(инфинитив to raise) 3.To be usable oil must be refined. 4.The new discoveries to be spoken of were made in this field. 5.To move oil from the place of production to the place of consumption is of prime importance. 6.The pipeline to transport oil from the place of production to the place of consumption is under construction. 7.The effect is too small to be detected. 8.To prevent energy shortage scientists are experimenting with different sources of energy. 9.The people in the oil industry have to be broadly knowledgeable to find and to apply new technologies( инфинитив to find). 10.The problem is to forecast how much water will be produced. 11.To move oil from the oil field a new pipeline should be constructed.

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Выбрать функцию инфинитива (обстоятельство, подлежащее, часть составного именного сказуемого, определение) 1.The most important parameter to be examined is the rock porosity of the formation. - определение 2.To raise the field production is to increase the volume of oil to be transported. - подлежащее (инфинитив to raise) 3.To be usable oil must be refined. - обстоятельство 4.The new discoveries to be spoken of were made in this field. - определение 5. To move oil from the place of production to the place of consumption is of prime importance. - подлежащее 6. The pipeline to transport oil from the place of production to the place of consumption is under construction. - определение 7. The effect is too small to be detected. - определение 8. To prevent energy shortage scientists are experimenting with different sources of energy. - обстоятельство 9. The people in the oil industry have to be broadly knowledgeable to find and to apply new technologies( инфинитив to find). - часть составного именного сказуемого 10. The problem is to forecast how much water will be produced. - часть составного именного сказуемого 11. To move oil from the oil field a new pipeline should be constructed. - обстоятельство