Евреи здесь в принципе не при чем.Сюжет о девочке, обманутой волком, был распространён во Франции и Италии со Средних веков. В альпийских предгорьях и в Триполе сказка известна по меньшей мере с XIV века и пользовалась особой популярностью. Содержимое корзинки варьировалось: в северной Италии внучка несла бабушке свежую рыбу, в Швейцарии — головку молодого сыра, на юге Франции — пирожок и горшочек масла В фольклорных записях сюжет выглядит следующим образом Франция:"
FranceThere was a woman who had made some bread. She said to her daughter, "Go and carry a hot loaf and a bottle of milk to your grandmother."
So the little girl set forth. Where two paths crossed she met the bzou [werewolf], who said to her, "Where are you going?"
"I am carrying a hot loaf and a bottle of milk to my grandmother."
"Which path are you taking? said the bzou. "The one of needles or the one of pins?"
"The one of needles," said the little girl.
"Good! I am taking the one of pins."
The little girl entertained herself by gathering needles.
The bzou arrived at the grandmother's house and killed her. He put some of her flesh in the pantry and a bottle of her blood on the shelf.
The little girl arrived and knocked at the door. "Push on the door," said the bzou. "It is blocked with a pail of water."
"Good day, grandmother. I have brought you a hot loaf and a bottle of milk."
"Put it in the pantry, my child. Take some of the meat that is there, and the bottle of wine that is on the shelf."
While she was eating, a little cat that was there said, "For shame! The slut is eating her grandmother's flesh and drinking her grandmother's blood."
"Get undressed, my child," said the bzou, and come to bed with me."
"Where should I put my apron?"
"Throw it into the fire. You won't need it anymore."
And for all her clothes -- her bodice, her dress, her petticoat, and her shoes and stockings -- she asked where she should put them, and the wolf replied, "Throw them into the fire, my child. You won't need them anymore."
When she had gone to bed the little girl said, "Oh, grandmother, how hairy you are!"
"The better to keep myself warm, my child."
"Oh, grandmother, what long nails you have!"
"The better to scratch myself with, my child!"
"Oh, grandmother, what big shoulders you have!"
"The better to carry firewood with, my child!"
"Oh, grandmother, what big ears you have!"
"The better to hear with, my child!"
"Oh, grandmother, what a big nose you have!"
"To better take my tobacco with, my child!"
"Oh, grandmother, what a big mouth you have!"
"The better to eat you with, my child!"
"Oh, grandmother, I have to do it outside!"
"Do it in the bed, my child!"
"Oh no, grandmother, I really have to do it outside."
"All right, but don't take too long."
The bzou tied a woolen thread to her foot and let her go. As soon as the little girl was outside she tied the end of the thread to a plum tree in the yard.
The bzou grew impatient and said, "Are you doing a load? Are you doing a load?"
Not hearing anyone reply, he jumped out of bed and hurried after the little girl, who had escaped. He followed her, but he arrived at her home just as she went inside."
bzou [werewolf]- это оборотень. Дорога , котороую она выбирает с иголками скорее всего символ обрега. Игла в принципе всегда была положительным символом даже по аасооциации с Евангелием в притче о Богатом юноше, симво трудолюбия, а бклавка тут скорее сим вол порчи, хотя в последушие времена их стали путать. Но символом удачи считалась только английская булавка. То есть девочка идет тропой добра , волк лукавства - приходит быстрее съедает бабушку и скармливает ее внучке, видимо ритуал приобщения к оборотню. Но девочка просто попросилась "до ветру" и исчезла.То есть видимо смысл что чистую душу очень сложно сбить с пути истинного.
Была б возможность, я бы тебе 1000 минусов поставил
Он еще кормит Шапочку мясом ее бабушки и поит кровью ее бабушки.