Кристен Солли когда-то перечисляла характерные для будущей четвёртой волны черты: квирность, бодипозитив, секс-позитивность, отказ от мизандрии и т.д. www.bustle.com Но всё это, как мне кажется, присутствует в третьей волне (интерсекциональный феминизм).
Кайра Кокрейн сообщает: "Welcome to the fourth wave of feminism. This movement follows the first-wave campaign for votes for women, which reached its height 100 years ago, the second wave women's liberation movement that blazed through the 1970s and 80s, and the third wave declared by Rebecca Walker, Alice Walker's daughter, and others, in the early 1990s. That shift from second to third wave took many important forms, but often felt broadly generational, with women defining their work as distinct from their mothers'. What's happening now feels like something new again. It's defined by technology: tools that are allowing women to build a strong, popular, reactive movement online. Just how popular is sometimes slightly startling. Girlguiding UK introduced a campaigning and activism badge this year and a summer survey of Mumsnet users found 59% consider themselves feminists, double those who don't. Bates says that, for her, modern feminism is defined by pragmatism, inclusion and humour. "I feel like it is really down-to-earth, really open," she says, "and it's very much about people saying: 'Here is something that doesn't make sense to me, I thought women were equal, I'm going to do something about it.'" www.theguardian.com
И здесь тоже мутноватая статья: www.pacificu.edu
Нам бы с третьей волной разобраться — пока не совсем ясно, к чему она приведёт в итоге.