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Какие чемоданы лучше: из поликарбоната или из полипропилена?

Анонимный вопрос
  ·   · 1,5 K

Polycarbonate is more detailed compared to polypropylene. It has impact resistance and durability. Suitcase made of polycarbonate is resistant to mechanical stress and is not subject to cracking. Another important property for a suitcase is lightness. Those. You can take more things without fear of overweight and surcharges per extra kilogram. Suitcases made of polycarbonate are produced not only in various colors, but also with different textures. The texture can be grooved, for example, the Starwheeler collection, Uno Zip, and even resemble leather like Andover collection suitcases.
Minuses. Polycarbonate suitcases are not recommended to be transported incompletely filled. All space inside the suitcase must be filled. But again, it must be said that polycarbonate suitcases are among the most reliable and durable among their fellows.
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Товары и услуги для дачи, сада, загородного дома h...  · 23 янв 2020

Разглагольствовать не будем. Полипропилен боится прямого ультрафиолета, поликарбонат - нет, следовательно надежность чемодана из поликарбоната будет выше