British teen magazines
About half of British young people aged 12 to 16 read teen magazines! Two of the most popular magazines for girls are "sugar" and "Bliss". They have glossy, colorful covers and include beauty and fashion, celebrity gossip, real life stories, horoscopes, quizzes, and question-and-answer pages. Of course, boys don't usually find these magazines very interesting! Instead, they buy music magazines like " NME "or sports magazines like" Shoot "or" Match".
Usually teen magazines contain a lot of language that only teenagers use! For example, they can use "celeb" instead of" celebrity", for example, or" fave "instead of" favorite". They also say 'lads' instead of 'boys', 'dosh' instead of 'money' and 'natter' instead of 'talk to your friends'! "This" makes magazines more appealing to teenagers and easier to understand.
On a more serious note, however, many of these magazines can help Teens find solutions to problems they are not comfortable discussing with their parents. This is why the q & a pages in these magazines are very popular. In fact, many teenagers buy them just because of this page.
What about you? What do you like most about magazines?
Так же, как и любого другого: сесть с ручкой/карандашом и листом бумаги, проштудировать, понять смысл, основные мысли/части и передать это все своими словами, желательно следуя цепочке "вступление - основная часть - заключение". Если это даже весь текст к пересказу, то и здесь можно сделать заключение))).