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If blockchain is not supported by bonds, gold or securities from any government, who gives it value?

Olga Zeveleva
  ·   · 496
A Harvard HBX graduate and a crypto enthusiast.  · 18 янв 2018

I assume what you mean is cryptocurrencies built on top of the blockchain technology.

The answer to your question is individuals. As simple as that.

This widely known across the crypto community article is a must-read for anyone interested in the matter. It was written by Jeffrey A. Tucker, the Editorial Director at the American Institute for Economic Research and a former Director of Content for the Foundation for Economic Education, back in 2014.

As former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said, "bitcoin (any cryptocurrency would fit) is really a fascinating example of how human beings create value or estimate or judge value. So long as people believe, they can sell it to somebody else or unload it on somebody else, and that's enough to create a market."

University of Cambridge PhD researcher, Computer...  · 9 янв 2018
This question is probably about cryptocurrency, which uses blockchain technology. Cryptocurrency gets value from the people who think it has value. Bitcoin is a speculative market, and I doubt there are many people who are... Читать далее