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How Apple has changed after Steve Jobs passed away?

ИнтервьюСтив возняк
Ashot Martirosyan
  ·   · 325
Анонимный ответ27 окт 2017

There are tons and tons of long discussions on the internet in regards to dramatic changes in Apple since Steve Jobs died. No doubt, he was one-of-a-kind CEO and after his death, Apple went (or may be still going) through a transitional period.

Even though Steve Jobs was known for his volatility and angry outbursts, according to some former Apple employees, there are things that missing in the company, particularly, his vision and attention to details. Apple’s products were always incredible and look what happened without him.

According to experts there are many changes took place in Apple products, that Steve Jobs would have never allow to happen.

Apple Pencil

Ummmm, being charged sticking out of iPad? That’s odd.

Wireless Mouse

Another “charging issue”, you CAN’T use Apple’s wireless mouse while it’s charging. Just take a look, is it possible? (If yes, please tell me how)

Headphone Jack

It was completely removed since iPhone 7. Again, you CAN’T listen to music through your earpiece and charge the device at the same time. You’ve got only one port!

Moreover, there were no new revolutionary products invented ever since Steve Jobs passed away, well, except iWatch…

Extra bonus

Here is a queue at Covent Garden, London during iPhone 6 opening (2014)

And this is the queue at Covent Garden during new iPhone 8 opening (2017)

Welcome to the new Apple.





