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Does the popularity of emoji and text-speak indicate a dumbing-down of society?

The internetSocial media+2
Stephen Eastwood
  ·   · 1,1 K
Почти филолог, почти музыкант  · 8 янв 2017

Absolutely not. Of course, it`s just my opinion, nevertheless, i`m sure that emojis don`t make us dumber. On the contrary, they are much more easier to use in everyday life. Nowadays millions or even billions of people use modern technologies and live in a hurry to make their own career, so time is money. Emojis save our main resource and sometimes can be really pleasant to receive.

Professor of Linguistics at Bangor University and...  · 3 янв 2017
No, it doesn’t. The function of emoji is to fulfil some of the non-verbal communication that we obtain in face-to-face interactions. Much of our interpersonal communications rely on facial expression and intonation (where pitch... Читать далее