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Could gold reward coins on an app game (e.g. FarmVille) be considered a form of cryptocurrency?

Olga Zeveleva
  ·   · 579
То ли метафизически свободная сущность, то ли макс...  · 1 окт 2017

You can read an extended version of my answer to a related question here.

In short, what understood to be "cryptocurrency" is not really issued by anyone in particular, and arguably having an issuer, or any party that can unilaterally change the balances of any account, by definition excludes that currency from the "crypto" world. 

Cryptocurrency is not just about being an electronic balance, it's about a balance that is safeguarded by protocol, which transparently and strictly governs how the currency is created and transferred. So Farmville money, or any money that can be created arbitrarily, by fiat, is arguably not crypto.

A Harvard HBX graduate and a crypto enthusiast.  · 19 янв 2018
No, gold reward coins on an app game could not be considered a form of cryptocurrency. From my point of view, there are two major differences. The first is the very technologies underpinning the two—cryptocurrencies, for... Читать далее