Dear 16-year-old,
If you can read this message, get out of the country while you can. In the last 100 years there was NEVER a time when a person your age would on average have been better off staying in Russia than emigrating. Of course, there were always people for whom emigration did not work, but they were outnumbered by those who landed on their feet.
Even if the political life in Russia were to magically improve overnight, your nation's economic and infrastructure problems are severe and are not going away. And assuming the country does not collapse or disintegrate, the state's involvement in every aspect of your existence is likely to remain a permanent feature of life in Russia. That may be tolerable for your many compatriots who like being told what to do, but it's a terrible impediment for someone who wants to build his own life.
Best of luck,
Dmitriy (NYC)
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