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Asking for tourism purposes: How do Russians, in general, feel about Americans?

The moscow timesTransport+1
Drew Mann
  ·   · 305
US Representative of TheQuestion  · 26 июл 2017  ·

We like foreigners and try to help them in need. Moscow becomes more English-friendly every year so do people. We also like to talk about politics, be ready to be asked about Trump :) 

People in Russia may smile rarely but they are friendly and hospitable.


We Russians, some secretly daydreaming about America and meeting with the stars living there. I like to practice English, speak it with native speakers.

In my opinion, Russians think in positive way about American people, they even try to copy american culture and really like watching american movies. A lot of Russians dream to visit USA and consider it as a heaven and the land... Читать далее
In my opinion, Russians think in positive way about American people, they even try to copy american culture and really like watching american movies. A lot of Russians dream to visit USA and consider it as a heaven and the land... Читать далее