Теперь Кью работает в режиме чтения

Мы сохранили весь контент, но добавить что-то новое уже нельзя
Предприниматель, Автор.  · 28 окт 2022  · ecomacademie.com

You have a dream but you don’t have enough resources (money) to achieve this dream.

Part 1
These stories are based on true events.
I believe that through these stories some of you will be able to self-reflect.
Following each story I’ll explain why I took these specific actions so that you too can see why certain events and circumstances have happened or keep happening in your life.
Question: What would you do in the following situation.
You have a dream but you don’t have enough resources (money) to achieve this dream.
Your actions:
I won’t dream about things I can’t achieve
I’ll keep dreaming about it
I’ll take a loan from the bank
Something else (you can share it in the comments)
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