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Предприниматель, Автор.  · 27 окт 2022  · ecomacademie.com

Limiting Beliefs

Let’s begin.
Our belief system shapes our reality.
The world is exactly what we think of it.
Since childhood I thought the world was unfair to me. It started when I was very little, 4, maybe 5 years old. My family was attacked and threatened by special police unit, my dad and uncle were beaten, money and valuables were taken away, our apartment was put in their name, they even took tape recorders and clothes.
After these devastating events, the following beliefs were formed and deeply rooted in my subconscious mind.
“The world is unfair”
“The world is unsafe”
“My money, belongings can be taken away from me anytime”
But just like everyone else, I was never aware of these beliefs. They were programmed into my subconscious mind.
Things began changing 3 years ago, when I started working on my mindset and overcoming my limiting beliefs.
I decided to create a series of posts, sharing true stories from my life. But they’re not just random stories. Every story will be followed with lessons, but not the typical lessons you’re used to.
I will show you why certain events and circumstances have happened or keep happening in your life. These stories will help you understand your subconscious mind and the way it shapes your reality.
Are you familiar with the term “limiting belief”? #limitingbeliefs
What is it?
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